Sunday, February 22, 2009


I have been running my butt off the past two weeks. About a month ago I decided to make the leap and start Cosmetology school, the best one being about an hour and a half from the job I've held for the past year and the home I own with my husband.

So I began searching for an apartment in the city of Beaumont and I found one two weeks into my search. I then put in applications the following week and got a job the first day. Everything fell into place extremely quickly and I'm running to catch up. I'll now be responsible for two sets of bills, a full-time job, and a load of schoolwork. I'm just SO ready to do something with my life. I'm twenty years-old and I see all my old classmates going into their Junior years, having families, or living in big cities. I've been in the same county for the past 18 years of my life and I feel like this is a turning point.

My apartment is a little studio nestled away in the old part of town, surrounded by beautiful "mansions" and close to downtown nightlife. I actually have a sidewalk for once in my life! I no longer live down a dirt road! hah.


  1. Congrats! I hope cosmetology works out. Are you and your husband moving into the new apartment and sell the other or keeping both houses.

  2. Yes, good luck to you dear! Save your money if you can, and gather many experiences! Cheers.

  3. i'm glad you're getting things organized! you're right - there has never been a better time to make your life wonderful! i hope this brings you success and happiness and fulfills you. i work in a salon btw so i know all about the joys of the beauty world! have fun, dear xx

  4. How exciting...cosmetology is not only technical but also very artistic+creative...All the best beautiful!
    Lovely weekend to you~
